Monday, December 10, 2007

Varna online

It certainly is much warmer here in Varna! The Black Sea, which was green today except when it was pink at sunset, is providing a milding effect on December, and I love it. Even got a little pink on the face from being outside all day. So nice to have color in December - maybe I won't even get all pale white in the winter...fat chance. Winters wrath always wreaks havoc on the skin! (Maybe next year I should go to South America or Australia where it's summer in January! Ha, ha.)

Lots and lots of stuff to report, but not much time to do it on account of my computer's crappy battery, which was overused because I had problems connecting to the internet in yes, this Chinese restaurant (spelled "restourant" in English). No, it is not owned by Chinese people, just as the Irish pubs - except for a place called O'Neill's in town (no, I haven't been there. Why pay 5 leva for a Guinness when you can pay 1 for a Zagorka?) - are not Irish owned in Bulgaria. Looks like I have about twenty minutes to blab. It's my own fault - I forgot the adapter for my plug.

Oh, about the connection problems - I don't know what the heck was wrong, but a guy with a laptop, who apparently is a student of computer something, and his professor are here - not together, mind you. But the student got his professor to come and help. I really think it was a matter of the computer finally just deciding to work, because the professor didn't do anything that I didn't do. I pretended like I was the computer illiterate girl, of course, just because I felt bad the professor got up from his Chinese dinner.

And why am I in a Chinese restaurant? Because the heavy metal bar that I went to before - it was the only wifi place around! It was horrible! - had a password to access the internet that the bartender didn't know. I mean, why are you going to say you have Wifi, secure it, and not tell your bartenders the password? Maybe she is just, um, what a professor of mine used to say - not quite bright.

Fifteen minutes left. Funny, because five minutes hasn't passed since it said twenty minutes. This battery is shot. I need another. I'd hate to spend dollars on one when this computer is nearly shot. I mean, how do you think I felt when I had people helping me with it and IT'S PROPPED UP ON A CD ON THE FRONT LEFT CORNER BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY WAY IT WORKS! But it works, and it was free, and aside from the many times it hasn't functioned for me, it functions. I shouldn't complain. I mean, here in Bulgaria, it is trendy for bars and cafes to provide wifi, but most Bulgarians don't have laptops to use it.

Except the mafia, of course.

Which is big, by the way.

We're talking 20-30% of the nation's currency being dirty money according to some anti-corruption non-profits.

But yeah, one of the first things I noticed in the cafes was that I was the only one typing away on a laptop. When I first arrived in Turnovo, the "typing" was pretty much me starting, restarting, and restarting the computer again. That was before I realized that the memory was full. Once I saved my photos to CD and deleted them from the hard drive, I've had no problems (except when I try to move it and the screen turns into old school messed up Nintendo.) Until today. And now, my low battery warning has come up and I need to post this before it dies.


I didn't have my camera cord to post photos anyway. It's with my plug adapter.

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